![]() Here I am with my beloved yoga teacher, Rod Stryker and his awesome son, Theo, at the Yoga Journal Conference a few days ago in CO. I've seen yogarupa (that's Rod's spiritual name) so often this year, like every other month! I saw him in January in MN, March in Chicago and in Mexico, May in NYC, July at Lake Tahoe in CA, and last week in Estes Park, CO. Yes, that's a lot of flying for me. And YES, that's a lot of time I've spent with my teacher, which has been so great. I've been able to learn so much about yoga this year by listening to him, by practicing with him, by assisting him, by being near him. (Vibrationally, he runs pretty high.) But, enough is enough. I LOVE assisting my teacher & wish I could for every workshop. However, I need to recoup my energy and settle. I need to absorb all the information I've learned from this amazing teacher and live the teachings I've learned. I won't see him again until January in MN (again) and that's fine! I see my nephew less than I see Yogarupa. I can never have enough yoga and I am devoted to my teacher. Now, I have the luxury to practice on my own.
This newsletter looks so cool! But not right here, please click on this link below to feel the full effect. Thanks! Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Welcome to the Bright & Beautiful NewsletterSeptemberRules Rule #1: Make silent time for yourself every single, every single day. Listening to music, reading & watching the boob tube don't count. Silence. Every day. Do it. Rule #2: Listen to your instinct. Even if your gut tells you something you don't like, listen to it. Rule #3: Treat yourself the way you'd treat someone you cherish and want the best for. Really, really, really love yourself for who you are and where you are in life. You've accomplished a lot! Thanks for that. The Photo Issue "Bali Bali Hey" CLICK ON THESE EXCITING PHOTOS FOR MORE INFO MiaParkYoga.com MiaPark.com Yoga and ParaYoga® The Photo Issue "Bali Bali Hey" (ask your friends that speak Korean what that means) ALSO CLICK ON THESE EXCITING PHOTOS FOR MORE INFO My public yoga classes: Some Sundays, 11AM-Noon Basics @ Flat Iron Building Tuesdays, 10-11AM Basics @ Flat Iron Building Tuesdays, noon-1PM, Level 1-2 @ Moksha Yoga I also teach at LPAC, LVAC, WAC, Akal Yoga and to private clients. My full teaching schedule ishere. My Yoga Workshops Agni : The Fire of Spirit 10/23/11, Viroqu, WII Autumn Fire Practice 11/20/11, Chicago, IL Acting you're receiving this because you opted in on my website, didn't unsubscribe from an introductory newsletter &/or because you love reading about and sharing important news. Unsubscribe [email protected] from this list. Forward this email to a friend Update your profile miapark.com twitter.com/missmiapark missmiapark.blogspot.com facebook.com/missmiapark “all journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.” – martin buber I've been a bad blogger. I'm so good with helping others with their social media that I am lacking on my blogs, but in my heart, I'm blogging every day! Now, just to translate what's in my heart onto the screen. Right now, I'm at the Yoga Journal Conference in Estes Park, CO with my teacher, Rod Stryker...you know it! More on this great event, soon. Thanks for reading!
I do love studying with Aadil Palkhivala (alivewithaadil.com - link function not working now) Over five years ago, I did a 40 hour training with him before I started teaching yoga and he blew me away. His pure joy of life, his clear explanations, his confidence....his presence. He's inspiring, wise, and filled with joy. I mean, pure joy.
I've learned things from him that I use in all my classes, like looking at each person in the eyes when greeting them hello or goodbye in every class. Like bringing total enthusiasm to the class and to the students. Like being firm when I need to without apology, but with love. I'm still processing what I learned with him at http://mokshayoga.comweeblylink_new_window, last weekend. I had the best savasana (resting or corpse pose) EVER - it was 45 minutes long & it completely released the tension in my left arm and shoulder. I learned that so much of our tensions come from not getting enough rest. LET'S GET ENOUGH REST! Few things are more important, truly. And on that note, i'm going to do a yoga nidra (yoga sleep) practice, right now. Hail hail to the mighty Aadil Palkhivala! He's as wonderful in person as his name is fun to say. Hail, Aadil! ![]() Photo by the great jimnewberry.com Asana are what we call the yoga postures. In the West, most of us are introduced to the wonderful universe of yoga through asana and exercising the body is vital to a healthy, balanced life. Especially as a yoga teacher, one would think. I'll be honest. I broke up with asana last November. 10 months ago. Asana and I dated very seriously since 2002, but last year, I felt us growing apart. So, I took a break from such intense times with asana. I still exercise - I started swimming again and ride my bicycle more than ever. It's just that I fell out of the habit and the desire to practice asana every day. I went down to practicing poses once or twice a week. Sometimes just once a week and very gently, at that. What's more important to me is the meditation aspect of yoga, anyway. But the postures sure do condition the body to sit and meditate for longer. I'm glad to announce that asana and I are rebuilding our relationship. I'm more open minded towards asana and we're getting together more often in every form. Restorative, flow, Iyengar...I'm ready. My body is ready. It's been a long 10 months, but I'm committing to practicing asana every day for one month. Not just demonstrating the poses in class, but to my own physical practice. And, more importantly, my meditation practice must also stay strong. It's gonna be an even better Autumn! (By the way, every time yogis discuss practice, we mention "abyanga" from the yoga sutras, which means "practice". So there, I mentioned it.) Today, my soul felt like how this hostile part of Uluru looks. Uluru is the largest rock in the world and is in the center of Australia. I took this picture in March, 2010.
This afternoon, I had road rage at the Lincoln Park moms who felt entitled to walk in front of my car against their red light because they had a baby carriage (ooohhh, entitlement irks me like no other irk). I was also pissy at a sport-o guy in a huge back SUV that decided to almost hit my car so he could dodge in front of a line of backed up traffic (same neighborhood). I judged them as upper middle class, white, privileged ignorants who are clueless to the consideration of others in order to serve themselves. I let myself get angry instead of repressing it, then calmed down. I took deep breaths and melted into appreciation. Honestly, it's the influence of these entitled white people that brought a big ass Whole Paycheck store to my hood and that's where I was headed when I let the Entitled Moms and Jocko McJocky bum me out. All jokes aside, we're each an untapped universe of joy and love. We can each create really good things and act like morons. I'm fine. They're fine. We're all good. (If I were a Buddhist, I'd say "They suffer, too." As a Tantrica, I say what I said.) For sure, I too easily judge those who act entitled and I'm no different from them. My cockiness and desire to get what I want gets me into trouble. Whenever I get road rage, judge people, or feel hostile, I'm reminded that I'm a work in progress and that more practice today sure won't hurt. Here is an article in this week's Chicago Reader that I'm in. Guess what I'm talking about? What else? My yoga teacher's kick ass, life changing book, The Four Desires. I'm a focused kinda gal, what can I say?
AuthorMia Park is a ParaYoga teacher in Chicago, IL, specializing in teaching Basic Yoga for Advanced Misfits, as well as teaching people how to cut through the junk to shine on. Archives
February 2012