![]() Lauren Toolin, Sue Neufeld, Katy Park in the background & I are ParaYogis, here at the NYC Yoga Journal Conference. NYC was a blast. A tiring and lovely blast. Working with the Three Minute Egg yoga prop was better and easier than ever. We had fantastic help this year with rock stars Sean, Katy and Josie. Our commanding officer, Jason, was in great spirits, despite his chest cold. I studied with my yoga teacher Rod Stryker and Lauren Toolin and Sue Nuefeld were assisting him. I was surrounded by wonderful yoga teachers, people who dedicate their lives to practicing and teaching authentic yoga. Wisdom, inspiration and joy emanate from these peoples' pores. They glow with vitality, warmth and authenticity. I don't know if I'd use those words to describe any ol' group of human beings or even yogis. ParaYoga people are special. This approach to yoga works. It really does. It changes people for the better and brings out the absolute best in them. NYC was all the more great because I spent time with this sangha, this community of yoga people whom I adore, respect and want to be around all the time. Bonus: we filmed a promo video for my teacher's book, The Four Desires! I can't wait to read this book and see the video that Lauren organized. I'm looking forward to working with commanding officer, Three Minute Egg Jason, this weekend at the Midwest Yoga Conference, but -straight up- it won't be as fun as NYC because my main sangha of ParaYoga peeps won't be there. Yes, it's all yoga, it's all love. But the special love was last weekend and I'm so happy to have tapped into that.
Below I am in trikonasana, or triangle pose with my best friend, Janet Walkoe, also a yoga teacher in Chicago. We have a very good friendship - we ultimately trust each other with everything, we respect and support each other and we love to eat and drink gobs of the good stuff.
Janet and I co-teach the yoga workshop, Autumn Fire Practice in November. We practice and teach different yoga systems and it's great that we respect each other's systems even if we don't understand them completely. Ashtanga yoga just isn't for me - it's too rajasic (agitating, over exerting), but Janet loves it. That's the great thing about yoga - there are many systems to appeal to many people and our practices are experiential. We must explore on our own to know what's best for us. Angles are direct and linear like each of us being dedicated to our practices. Curves are soft and flexible, like each of us accepting our respective approaches to this masterful science of yoga. Go-ga, yoga! ![]() Prana del Mar, Mexico Wow, that's frustrating. I just spend 15 mintues writing a blog entry & it didn't publish. Ah well, patience is a virtue I can certainly apply more often. I'll just have to repost this entry later. Hold onto your hats, it has to do with setting a monster on fire in my belly! RARRR!
This is my 3rd attempt at keeping a blog and the most focused attempt. I'm going to frame my blog entries around yoga since, really, it's yoga that frames my life. I'm excited to share my yoga thoughts with you on a regular basis. More soon. Hooray, first entry!
AuthorMia Park is a ParaYoga teacher in Chicago, IL, specializing in teaching Basic Yoga for Advanced Misfits, as well as teaching people how to cut through the junk to shine on. Archives
February 2012