Ouch. Being honest can totally suck - it's uncomfortable, it can hurt other's feelings, it can seem easier to let unhealthy situations perpetuate rather than go through the pain of telling the truth. Let's call this last process the "truch", as in truth + ouch.
In the most awesome book, Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna is a warrior with big troubles. He's supposed to go to war and fight his cousins and uncles. He's so upset about this decision that he calls God to help him and down comes God in the form of Krishna. He asks how he can live his truth because he feels so terrible about killing his family. Krishna explains to Arjuna that he must fight this war because it's part of his dharma, his life's ultimate purpose that will serve himself and the world to it's highest causes. So, even war can be just, but only when this war fulfills dharma, the path to living in one's highest service. It's a fascinating concept to consider, and one that I believe in. I'm at the point of my life where I want to embrace everyone and everything that will help me fulfill my dharma, or, at the minimum, I want to do what's fun. When I'm exalted, I can celebrate people and life to their fullest. We can all live this way if we follow our dharma. I'm reprioritizing what's important to me and will make my decisions based on what feeeeels RIGHT. This may mean hurting other's feelings and I feel awful about causing that. But, like me, those people need to follow their dharma, too, and we're all responsible for our own emotions and actions. Embrace the "truch" when we need to and let's gre
AuthorMia Park is a ParaYoga teacher in Chicago, IL, specializing in teaching Basic Yoga for Advanced Misfits, as well as teaching people how to cut through the junk to shine on. Archives
February 2012